Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Molly's Money-Saving Digest (January 2010)

© 2009 The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
PO Box 8426, Gray, TN 37615

I love to be organized. My files, my sewing and yarn supplies, my books--my home and my life! Being organized makes my life easier, and helps me accomplish my tasks quicker--which leaves more time for leisure activities.

Imagine my joy when I read the January 2010 edition of Molly's Money-Saving Digest! Produced by Econobusters and sold through The Old Schoolhouse magazine, this is a series of e-books that are published monthly. The January 2010 edition was a special treat as it included instructions on making pies by Mrs. Martha Greene of Marmee Dear. With so many "shortcuts" available these days (canned filling, pre-made crusts, and pre-made pies) the art of making pies has been set aside. That's really a shame, too; teaching children to make pies is such fun!

But, this issue wasn't just about pies. Being the January issue, it covered the basics of getting organized in a new year: budgeting and checkbook balancing, clothing inventory, tips for decorating frugally, and of course a January calendar and to-do list. What more could you ask for? How about recipes, complete with a shopping list? That's included! Or maybe you'd like tips on evaluating, prioritizing and organizing? Those are included, too! How about tips from other moms? Yup, Molly's got it! All you need to do is pull up a chair and visit Molly in the pages of this e-book.

Rounding out the issue is a listing of links found throughout the e-book, all neatly organized in the last few pages. (That doesn't really surprise you, does it?) After you've been blessed by this January issue--and I know you will be--you may be interested in some of the other Molly e-books. Besides monthly e-books, Molly offers books on organizing, recipes, and menu planning. If you stick with Molly, you'll soon have a wonderful library full of life skills to teach your children, as well as inexpensive decorating tips and money-saving ideas.

Have you visited Molly this month?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Help Lord, I'm Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My High Schooler!

Compiled by Kathy Reynolds
© 2009 The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
PO Box 8426, Gray, TN 37615

Homeschooling has been a wonderful adventure for my family. With one already graduated, and another graduating this year, I'm looking forward to the next eight years and the graduations of the remaining three children. Six years ago I didn't think I'd be saying that. Six years ago, I needed this book!

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine has been encouraging homeschooling families for several years now. As more and more families begin going through the graduation process with their students, that encouragement takes on a whole new meaning. Having "been there" and survived, those families are eager to share their stories and offer support to those following in their footsteps. Help Lord, I'm Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My High Schooler! is a compilation of that support and encouragement.

Fourteen families share their experiences with homeschooling—specifically the high school years. At $12.45, this e-book is well worth the price. Regardless of the ages and grades of your children, you will be encouraged by this book. You may even find a few kindred spirits, as I did.

I've always said that if we put God first, everything else will fall into place. Imagine my surprise when I read those exact words from Phyllis Sather (p. 31)! Or, when I found Donna Rees' heartfelt sentiment, "I wanted others to be proud of my children, too" (p. 81). What a boost to my momma's heart and homeschooling mindset! I was quick to write down Donna's goals for homeschooling (p.82) because they sum up my own ideals:
  • Commitment to God and His ways
  • Development of character qualities that are pleasing to Him
  • Knowledge with which to gain access to greater opportunities for more knowledge.
Besides gaining a renewed mindset toward my own abilities to homeschool, I also found some great ideas to implement in our studies. I love a good creative writing course, but I never thought of doing Fan Fiction as a class! I'm also inspired to research the possibilities of apprenticeship programs with businesses in our community.

You can order this e-book directly from TOS but you may want to take your time before checking out. There are so many wonderful resources available through TOS! And that reminds me of another reason why I loved this e-book: the list of resources in the back of the book is fantastic! Not only do they list books and websites which benefit the parent/teacher, they list resources for the student and the whole family. Pick up your copy today!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Once Life Matters: A New Beginning, by Marty Angelo

Earlier this month I received a message on Facebook from a gentleman that I didn't know. He wanted to know if I would be interested in reviewing his book. I didn't find this unusual since I'm a Fan of a page that connects reviewers with products. I figured he found me there. I clicked his name to view his profile and discovered we had a friend in common. I then started checking out his websites, to learn more about his book.

Marty Angelo has spent the majority of his life in the music industry. He's also spent the majority of his life strung-out on one drug or another, or drunk. His book, Once Life Matters: A New Beginning, is about his life before and after his salvation—mostly before.

I wasn't sure I wanted to review the book. I'm not active in the prison ministry, or any ministry that serves those dealing with drug and alcohol addiction. And I don't have ties to the music industry—anymore. You see, once upon a time, I was very active in a rock 'n roll lifestyle. I know what it's like to be high and drunk (sometimes both at the same time). I recognized the names of some of the bands and recording artists that Marty mentions in his book. That intrigued me enough to agree to the review.

Once Life Matters is a quick read. I took almost 4 days to read it, but that's only because of two things: family obligations do not allow me to sit and read for hours on end, and strong memories and emotions resurfaced during the reading. When Marty wrote of his despair, I felt it. I've been there. I know the darkness that surrounds drugs and alcohol and the rock 'n roll lifestyle.

This isn't the kind of book you give to someone out of the blue, in hopes that they'll read it and get saved. This is the kind of book you give to someone once you've established a relationship with them, and discovered that they're looking for something but don't know what. Marty walks you through his life, showing his attitude along the way, and sharing his thought process. Bible verses are sprinkled throughout the book, giving the reader a foreshadowing of where Marty is leading.

The book left me with a feeling of expectancy. Where would God use Marty next? More importantly, where would God use me next? I was encouraged to stay focused on Jesus Christ, and to listen for the Lord's leading.

If you know someone who seems to be searching, who seems to have a hole in his or her life and is constantly trying to fill it, you'll want to get this book for them. It will show them what they're searching for, and Who can fill that hole.