Saturday, March 13, 2010

Once Life Matters: A New Beginning, by Marty Angelo

Earlier this month I received a message on Facebook from a gentleman that I didn't know. He wanted to know if I would be interested in reviewing his book. I didn't find this unusual since I'm a Fan of a page that connects reviewers with products. I figured he found me there. I clicked his name to view his profile and discovered we had a friend in common. I then started checking out his websites, to learn more about his book.

Marty Angelo has spent the majority of his life in the music industry. He's also spent the majority of his life strung-out on one drug or another, or drunk. His book, Once Life Matters: A New Beginning, is about his life before and after his salvation—mostly before.

I wasn't sure I wanted to review the book. I'm not active in the prison ministry, or any ministry that serves those dealing with drug and alcohol addiction. And I don't have ties to the music industry—anymore. You see, once upon a time, I was very active in a rock 'n roll lifestyle. I know what it's like to be high and drunk (sometimes both at the same time). I recognized the names of some of the bands and recording artists that Marty mentions in his book. That intrigued me enough to agree to the review.

Once Life Matters is a quick read. I took almost 4 days to read it, but that's only because of two things: family obligations do not allow me to sit and read for hours on end, and strong memories and emotions resurfaced during the reading. When Marty wrote of his despair, I felt it. I've been there. I know the darkness that surrounds drugs and alcohol and the rock 'n roll lifestyle.

This isn't the kind of book you give to someone out of the blue, in hopes that they'll read it and get saved. This is the kind of book you give to someone once you've established a relationship with them, and discovered that they're looking for something but don't know what. Marty walks you through his life, showing his attitude along the way, and sharing his thought process. Bible verses are sprinkled throughout the book, giving the reader a foreshadowing of where Marty is leading.

The book left me with a feeling of expectancy. Where would God use Marty next? More importantly, where would God use me next? I was encouraged to stay focused on Jesus Christ, and to listen for the Lord's leading.

If you know someone who seems to be searching, who seems to have a hole in his or her life and is constantly trying to fill it, you'll want to get this book for them. It will show them what they're searching for, and Who can fill that hole.

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